Jobs & the Economy

Larsen Secures Job-Creating and Security-Enhancing Measures in Defense Bill

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, successfully included several provisions in a bill passed today setting policy for the Department of Defense. Larsen, a member of the House Armed Services Committee which wrote the bill, included measures that support the Northwest economy and improve the national defense. “This defense bill meets the needs of our sailors and aviators in Northwest Washington…

Larsen: Budget Agreement Sets Path for Congress to Move Past Brinkmanship, Get to Work on Immigration Reform and Job Creation

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement regarding the compromise budget deal. “People in Northwest Washington have been asking for Democrats and Republicans to work together. This budget is a product of that collaboration. After too many years of brinkmanship and political games, this budget sets a path forward to get Congress back to work on real issues we need to…

Federal Delegation to Boeing: Washington is the Best Place for the 777X

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Citing “miles wide and miles deep” support for aerospace manufacturing, Washington’s federal delegation today made their case in a letter to The Boeing Company to base 777X production in Washington state. The state’s delegation of two senators and 10 representatives told Boeing that when it comes to aerospace, “no state’s federal delegation can compare…

Larsen Votes to Protect Small Businesses Job-Creating Innovation

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted to pass the Innovation Act, a bill that would crack down on entities that abuse the patent system to make money from other people’s innovations. These patent assertion entities—often referred to as patent trolls—cost American businesses an estimated $29 billion a year. “Small businesses are a key engine of job growth and…

Larsen Statement on Machinists Vote to Reject Contract Extension Offer

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement after the International Association of Machinists District 751 voted to reject the contract extension offer from Boeing. “I believe Washington is still the best place to build the 777X, but the hill just got steeper,” Larsen said. “We now need to be prepared for an intense competition with other states and countries…

Larsen Praises Legislatures Quick Action to Secure 777X, Invest in Workforce

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement today after Gov. Jay Inslee signed legislation that invests in workforce development and extends airplane manufacturing tax incentives. Inslee sought the measures as part of the effort to secure the Boeing 777X production in Washington state. “Washington is the aerospace capital of the world, and we need to work together to…

Larsen Statement on Progress to Bring 777X Production to Washington State

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement regarding the negotiations between Boeing, the International Association of Machinists and Washington state to bring production of the 777X and the 777X wing to Washington. “The proposal to bring the 777X to Washington is a recognition that our aerospace workers are the best in the world,” Larsen said. “This deal…

Larsen Opening Statement: Review of FAAs Certification Process

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, the ranking member of the House Aviation Subcommittee, delivered the following statement today at the subcommittee’s “Review of FAA’s Certification Process: Ensuring an Efficient, Effective, and Safe Process” hearing. The remarks are as prepared for delivery. Thank you, Chairman LoBiondo, for calling today’s hearing to review…

Ahead of Veterans Day, Larsen Votes to Cut Disability Claims Backlog

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Larsen Also Pushing Measures to Improve Veterans Health Care, Education With more than 700,000 veteran disability claims pending, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted for several bills to cut the backlog and get veterans the benefits they earned. “Tens of thousands of veterans across Northwest Washington served our nation honorably. Too many now bear the wounds of war,” Larsen…

Larsen Applauds $2.4 Million to Restore Fish Habitat in Snohomish and Island Counties

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today praised the award of $2.4 million to restore habitat for Chinook salmon and steelhead trout in the Whidbey and Snohomish basins. The funding, awarded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is part of a long-term effort to rebuild fisheries in the region. “A healthy fish population means a healthy economy in Northwest Washington,”…