
Burlington Senior wins app contest

SC News: Burlington Senior wins app contest 

By SC News Staff 

Burlington-Edison high school senior Alexandria Kissas has won the 2016 Congressional App Challenge for Washington’s 2nd Congressional District.

Alexandria’s app, called ListMe, is designed to help people organize multiple lists on their smart phones, according to a recent news release from Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02).

“I was sitting in class thinking ‘what would help the most people.’ As a senior, I have a lot of things to do this year and a list would be really helpful,” Kissas said about her entry.

The ListMe App via MIT App Inventor 2 utilizes speech recognition and motion sensor software and database storage. It allows the user to store multiple lists at once without the hassle of maintaining and tracking multiple paper lists, according to Alexandria’s statement on the website.

“It even removes the need of having to read the list! This app is simple and easy to use, and should fill needs for anyone,” she said. “Besides, what are you going to take with you everywhere, a stack of paper lists or your phone?”

Alexandria had some advice for other students thinking of giving coding a try.

“Coding can be challenging, but do it anyway,” she said. “It can open doors. Your understanding of physics, science and the world around you is so much more enhanced by learning to code.”

Alexandria is a teacher’s assistant for her AP Computer Science teacher and hopes to attend Pomona College. She received a prize of $400 in Amazon Web Services credits and has been invited to a reception in Washington, D.C.

“Alexandria is a great example for young folks everywhere,” Rep. Larsen said. “Whether you want to launch the next Snapchat or create an organizational tool like the one Alexandria designed, now is a great time to pursue an education in STEM or learn how to code.”

The Congressional App Challenge,, is an annual competition intended to inspire teens to pursue crucial STEM skills and help maintain American competitiveness.

According to the Boston Consulting Group, as many as 25,000 jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in Washington state go unfilled.